In the world of 1911 handguns, no name is more highly acclaimed than Bob Marvel. Bob Marvel has been an innovator and builder of 1911s for decades. His guns are accurate, but just as important, they are reliable.
Bob Marvel’s Custom Oil is the best AR15, M16, and M4 lubricant on the planet. Marvel's Custom Oil flies in the face of all gun lubrication theory: It has the viscosity of water. It contains no solids like Teflon, graphite, moly, waxes, paraffins, or plastics, so it won't build up. And it doesn't get tacky. It doesn’t even feel oily!
I have been working on a 1928 A22 submachine gun. These firearms are very ammo sensitive and are prone to fouling very quickly. I had been unsuccessful in being able to cycle more than just a few rounds at a time. So just for kicks, I cleaned the weapon with your oil, and much to my amazement I was able to fire well over 500 rounds of various 22LR ammo without a malfunction. This amazed me, especially when I disassembled the gun it remained remarkably clean. Since then I have used your oil on several other guns with great success.
John Andrewski - Gunsmith